Wrongful Use of Speech
Wrongful use of the speech is indulging in idle gossip, spreading rumours and misleading others by giving out false information. This is evil in the eyes of God.
According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam once observed: “The greatest sinners are those who indulge in idle talk.” (Kanzul Ummal 8293)
One of the most precious things granted to a human being by God is his tongue. It is with his tongue that a person speaks. That is how he exchanges his thoughts with others. The tongue is a very important element in establishing connections with others. In this respect, the tongue is a blessing the like of which no other creature has been given.
If the tongue is used according to need, there are great benefits in it. But if the tongue is used in an uncalled for way, this innately beneficial thing becomes an extremely harmful thing for others.
Speaking more means thinking less. One who is speaking all the time will never hear what others have to say and will thus limit his own knowledge. Speaking more always means restricting the scope of the speaker’s ability to gather knowledge, reflect upon it and analyze it.
This results from the unnecessary use of the tongue. When the tongue is wrongly used, the harm caused by this is incalculable.
The wrong way to use the tongue is to abuse others or indulge in idle gossip about others to spread rumours and mislead others by giving out false information. One who speaks such words as create mistrust among his hearers cause people to start hating others. People begin to have doubts about one another quite unnecessarily.
Such a futile use of words devalues the original blessing of the tongue. Such wrongful use of words is evil and negates the blessing of the tongue. In the eyes of God this is evil and sinful.