Prayer Instils Modesty
in the Worshipper

Prayer prepares man to lead a virtuous life. It inculcates in the worshipper the spirit of modesty that enhances one’s connection with God as well as with other human beings.

Prayer, or salah, is worship of God. It has been made obligatory on believers five times a day. Congregational prayer is offered in the mosque.

Before saying prayers, the worshipper performs ablutions. Face, hands and feet, are washed with water to awaken the feeling in the suppliant that he should always lead a pious life. Then, by uttering Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest) he enters into the act of worship. In this way, he accepts that greatness belongs solely to God. The greatest virtue is to live in this world with modesty.

In the course of the prayer, the worshipper has to recite certain passages from the Quran. In this way, he recalls to mind God’s commandments. Then he bows down and prostrates himself. This is saying by his actions that for him only one course is proper, and that is to lead his life in this world as an obedient servant of God.

When this act of prayer comes to an end, and the worshippers turn their heads to both sides, and say Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah (May peace and blessings be upon you), it is as if these believers who have offered their prayers are now fully imbued with a sense of their religious obligations. And they are now entering into the world with no wishes in their hearts for others except mercy and peace. They will live from now on in society as peace-loving members, and will have no ill-feeling towards their fellow men.

Offering prayers is in one respect the worship of God. It is an acknowledgement of God and God’s godhead. It means surrendering before God, acknowledging Him as the one for whom all greatness is reserved.

In another respect, prayer prepares a individual to lead his life as an upright person amongst others. While dealing with others his attitude is then one of modesty and sympathy – enhances one’s connection with God as well as with other human beings.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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