Every Person is Part of
the Divine Family

All human beings are as if God’s family. One should not differentiate between one person or another, and one should value others just as one values oneself.

According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam once observed: “All human beings are God’s family. The best of you in the eyes of God is one who is good to his family.” (Kanzul Ummal 16056)

For the building of a good human society it is necessary for people to respect one another, honour one another and show appreciation for one another.

How is this feeling of respect to be produced? The most effective and successful way is for it to be instilled in the mind that the Creator who has created one has created other human beings also. So all human beings are as if God’s family.

This consciousness produces the feeling that one should not differentiate between one person or another, and that one should value others just as one values oneself. While humiliating another, one should feel as if one has humiliated a member of the divine family. Similarly, when one gives respect to one person, one should feel happy that one has given respect and honour to a member of the divine family.

The truth is that there is no fortune greater for any human being than doing something which gives him the happiness that he has shown respect to a member of the divine family. This belief makes one deserving of reward in the eyes of God. Along with this one greater benefit is that during this act, noble feelings are engendered. And by honouring others he makes himself a person worthy of honour.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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