Don’t be Distracted by
Wealth and Children

When one receives a divine reminder, one should immediately adopt it willingly, allowing neither wealth nor children to be an obstacle in this path.

Chapter 63 of the Quran states: “O believers! Do not let your wealth or your children distract you from remembrance of God. Those who do so will be the losers.” (63:9)

Conscience is God’s reminder. Everyone has a conscience which is like the voice of God. This conscience reminds one on all occasions what is truth and what is untruth, what is in accordance with the will of God and what is not.

This divine reminder is a warning to a person on all occasions. Yet he still falls into error. Why is this so? The reason is that his excessive love of wealth and children, causes a person to ignore God’s reminder. In spite of knowing the will of God, he follows a path which is at variance with it.

What should be the right attitude for a person in the present world and which path will lead him to success? When he receives a divine reminder, he should keep an open heart and immediately become attentive to it. He should adopt it willingly in his life and neither wealth nor children should become an obstacle in this path.

The feeling of love in a human being is innate. For instance, there is his love of wealth and children. This feeling is meant to put a person to the test. It is meant to show that, even in his pursuit of the things he loves, no matter how attractive they may be, he does not forget God. Indeed, all his attention is still given to his Creator.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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