What is Required of
a Human Being?

Living in society one should follow justice and be patient. He should think whether or not his conduct is consistent with his being human.

Chapter 14 of the Quran states: “Do you not see how God compares a good word to a good tree? Its root is firm and its branches are in the sky, it yields its fruit each season with its Lord’s permission—God makes such comparisons for people, in order that they may take heed.” (14:24-25)

It is a rule of nature that fruit-bearing trees should bear fruit in their proper season. When the season approaches, flowers blossom on the branches and very soon they bear fruit.

Giving fruit at the right time is the virtue of a tree. The same quality is desirable in a human being. What appears on the tree in the form of fruit should appear likewise in human life in the form of ethical behaviour. It is as if the tree is a material flower and a human being is the ethical flower. The tree bears fruits according to physical laws, while a person behaving ethically results from his conscious decision-making.

While living in society, it is desirable that the individual should on all occasion demonstrate by his words and deeds what is expected from him as a human being. If he has to speak on some issue, he should express himself as justice demands. He should not utter anything which is against justice. Even if he is severely provoked, under no circumstances should he respond with impatience, because an intolerant attitude is at variance with a person’s humanity.

The same attitude should be adopted in all practical matters. Whenever he engages in any action involving others, a person should first think whether or not his conduct is consistent with his being human or not. When he walks along a path, he should give way to others. When he has any dealings with others, it should be in accordance with all expectations of him as a human being. Society at large sets a high value upon predictability of character.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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