Forgiveness and Modesty
are Not Weaknesses

Nature is your representative with others. When you behave forgivingly and modestly, you find yourself having the support of that representative.

Just as the Prophet of Islam told us the ways of worship by which a person can become a servant of God whom He likes and approves of, similarly, he also gave us the ethical principles which, if adopted, can bring a person a place of honour and respect amongst his fellow human beings.

There is a hadith in this connection: “God enhances the honour of those who forgive and one who is modest for the sake of God, is elevated by Him.” (Sahih Muslim 2588)

Generally, people take it that if someone does evil to another, if he is not punished, he will be emboldened to do further evil deeds. But this tradition of the Prophet, on the contrary, tells us that one who forgives an evil-doer will have his honour increased.

Similarly, a person usually thinks that one should never bow before others in dealing with them. If one bows, then others will make him bow even more. But the Prophet of Islam says that in dealing with others, adopt the way of modesty. And that if you do so, you will reach greater heights than before, with the help of God. The reason for this is that the way of forgiveness and modesty appeals to nature. It has the power to conquer humans. It conquers a person from within. One who adopts the way of modesty and forgiveness is as it were addressing the nature vested in everyone by God. It is human nature to surrender before the truth and acknowledge the person who stands by the truth.

Nature is your representative within the other person. And when you behave forgivingly and modestly, you find yourself having the support of that representative.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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