The Necessity of Consultation

Consultation means including others in whatever requires deeper understanding. It is very useful in this world and worthy of reward in the Hereafter..

One of the qualities desired of believers is thus alluded to in the Quran: “They conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.” (42:38)

A human being most naturally has recourse to consultation, for these are always limitations to his knowledge. He cannot be cognizant of all the aspects of the matter in hand. To arrive at the right decision in the present world, it is necessary to take all the relevant aspects into consideration. Consultation is the solution to this problem. It compensates for whatever is lacking in the individual.

When an issue is placed before a number of people and everyone has the opportunity to give his opinion freely, in such a case, all the aspects of the matter become clear. Now it becomes possible that, in the light of collective knowledge, a correct decision is taken.

To ensure the effectiveness of consultation certain human qualities are necessary. A person should be conscious of his own shortcomings and his ego should not become an obstacle to his accepting the right decision. He should have the ability to rise above prejudice and listen to people’s opinions open-mindedly. He should not himself claim to know everything. He must be prepared to admit that there may be some things of which he may be ignorant.

Consultation is good for individuals as well as for society. It is useful in small matters as well as in great or important matters. This applies equally to men and women: no one should deny this. Furthermore, consultation is not just a worldly act but is rather a form of worship also. Consultation is very useful in this world and worthy of reward in the Hereafter. Consultation means a person including others in whatever requires deeper understanding.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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