The Life of Belief

A God-conscious life means having conviction in God, being responsible and leading a life of restraint. One who does so is destined for success in this world and the next.

Chapter 10 of the Quran has this to say: “For those who believe and are mindful of God, there is good news in this life and in the Hereafter: the Word of God shall never change. That is the supreme triumph.” (10:63-64)

Belief means heartfelt acknowledgement of the Lord. When someone acknowledges the Lord of the worlds in this way, the spirit of God-consciousness is necessarily produced within him.

Adopting the life of belief is to take to the path which is being followed by the entire universe. One who does so feels peace and contentment that he has found the ultimate truth. He starts feeling he is in conformity with the rest of the universe. This mute feeling testifies to his having become a co-traveller along with the universe and that is he is finally destined for salvation and success.

Such belief grants a person the greatest blessings of conviction and trust. One who has associated himself with God has without doubt secured such conviction and trust as are a must for life. Such a person’s every act is result-oriented because, it has been so destined by the Lord of the universe, and no one can change this verdict of the Lord.

Such are the people who are successful in the real sense. There is nothing which can stop them from reaching the destination of success: leading a God-fearing life means leading a life of restraint. Conviction in God and the apprehension of God’s chastisement awaken the consciousness in a person that he should lead a responsible life in this world. He should differentiate between right and wrong. One who does so is destined for success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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