Like for Others What You
Like for Yourself

Social ethics demand that one should like for others what he likes for himself and disapprove of such behaviour towards others as he does not like for himself.

According to a hadith, the Prophet of Islam once observed: “No one can be a believer unless he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 13)

The simple and natural principle of ethics is that one should like for others what he likes for himself. He should disapprove of such behaviour towards others as he does not like for his own part.

This is a generally accepted criterion. There is no one who is not aware of this reality. This principle gives an ethical criterion to everyone in the light of which he may decide upon right behaviour for himself and eschew wrong behaviour towards others.

No one likes conspiracies against himself, therefore, he should not plot against others. Everyone dislikes those who are not his well-wishers, therefore, he himself should wish everyone well. No one likes harsh words, therefor he should not speak harshly to others. Everyone knows that if he is dishonourable, this will be to his discredit. Therefore, he should under no circumstances, attempt to dishonour others. No one likes his money and his property being taken away from him, so he should refrain from acting in this way with others. Similarly, everyone knows what he likes. Everyone knows what makes him happy. So everyone must crave for others what he craves for himself. Everyone should want to give to others what he wants to have for himself. If the individuals making up society adopt this principle, such a society will develop in an excellent way.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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