The Traditions
of the Prophet

The Hadith is a collection of the words and deeds of the Prophet. The Quran gives us the theoretical guidance, while the Hadith gives us the practical framework.

The Quran is God’s word both in word and meaning. The Hadith is that collection of words and deeds which convey God’s message, but, so far as its words are concerned, those are the very words spoken by the Prophet. While the Quran presents direct guidance from God, the Hadith presents indirect guidance.

There are many books of Hadith, some of which are of particular importance. For instance, Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawood, Sunan an-Nasai, Sunan Ibn Majah, Muwatta Imam Malik and Musnad Ahmad.

The Hadith constitutes an interpretation and elaboration of the Quran. In the Quran, mostly basic commands have been given, details of which can be learned from the prophetic traditions. Similarly, the Hadith gives us practical framework for the theoretical guidance of the Quran. The importance of the Hadith is such that it cannot be considered separate from the Quran.

The books of Hadith give commands and teachings relating to all the aspects of life, for instance, what a Muslim should be like in his intention and thinking. They specify the details of worship, set an example of how to deal with people in daily life—and in particular, how to address them. They define the limitations in food and drinks and explain what the family structure should be. They explain what the basis of social relations should be and how to settle life’s issues in a peaceable manner.

All those matters which relate to human life and on which success in this world and Hereafter depends, are set forth in detail in the books of Hadith. Without a study of the Hadith, we cannot complete the study of Islam and neither can we know the Islamic teachings for leading life in this world.

The corpus of Hadith is the greatest source of Islamic teaching after the Quran. Once a hadith is proved to be an authentic part of the legacy of the Prophet of Islam, we have to accept it as we do the Quran.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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