Forgiving Your Enemy In
Spite of Having Power

Forgiveness is a virtue, and forgiving even when one has the power to punish is the greatest possible virtue.

According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam once observed: “When you overpower your enemy, make his forgiveness an acknowledgement of your power. That is, by forgiving him, you thank God for having invested you with power.” (Adab al-Duniya wa al-Din, al-Mawardi, p. 400)

What is morality or ethics? Morality is what defines the nobility of human character. In human relations the noble character that is expected of a human being finds expression in his morality. His code of ethics is the criterion by which to judge a person’s humanity.

For example, suppose someone has become your enemy. Then it happens that later on you are able to overcome him. At that time one way of viewing the whole matter is in the light of revenge, and you think that now the time has come to avenge yourself. But this is a very base kind of thinking. It has no relevance to a high degree of humanity.

Another way of looking at the whole matter is from the viewpoint of God. Then you regard your success as something given to you by God. In such a situation, your feelings will be totally different. You will be filled with gratitude. And after your success, the highest form of thanksgiving would be for you to forgive your enemy.

When your enemy is in your control, forgiving him is not so easy. It is a matter of great sacrifice, because it involves suppressing your ego. It entails cooling the fire of revenge within you. Only then can you forgive your enemy even when the enemy is fully in your control.

Forgiveness is a virtue, and forgiving even when one has the power to punish is the greatest possible virtue.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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