Convert Material Loss
into Spiritual Gain

Remaining patient in the face of hardship increases a person’s spirituality. The more sensitive he becomes, the more capable does he become of receiving divine inspiration. This increases his modesty.

According to the Quran, God afflicts people with calamities and loss. But if a person endures with fortitude and remains patient, he receives divine guidance. God sends His blessings and mercy on such persons: “They are the ones who have blessings and mercy from their Lord: it is they who are on the right path.” (2:157)

This point is further clarified by a tradition of the Prophet. The Prophet once observed that whenever any Muslim suffers from any hardship and at that time he says, “I belong to God and to God I will return,” and then he prays, “O God, reward me on my affliction and grant me better than that,” then God hears his prayers and sends His blessings upon him. (Sahih Muslim 918)

According to the divine law operating in this universe everyone has such experiences of hardship. If a person is not overcome by these difficult circumstances and instead of complaining against others, turns to God, then this patient attitude brings him a very good reward. This good result comes in the form of the light of divine guidance.

Remaining patient in the face of hardship increases a person’s spirituality. The more sensitive he becomes, the more capable does he become of receiving divine inspiration. This increases his modesty. Traits which are anathema to faith, such as arrogance, vengefulness, ingratitude, love of power and desire for greatness are put to an end. One who, at a conscious level, becomes distant from worldly concerns, comes closer to the Hereafter.

Hardship is an entry point to the world of meaning. Through hardship a person receives the light of God-realization. In hardship a person loses the material assets but, in return, he receives spiritual blessings. But such “gain in loss” is destined only for those who have the courage to remain patient in the face of loss, calamity and hardship.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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