Tolerance is a
Practical Need

For harmony and progress in society the only practical formula is to follow tolerance and forbearance. Human civilization cannot evolve without this spirit.

Whenever a number of people lead their lives along with others, there are bound to be differences between them and complaints will certainly rise from them. This will happen in the family, in society, in a country and in international life. At whatever level a person lives and establishes relations, it is unavoidable that there will be unpleasantness—even evil.

What should be done in such a situation? The answer to this question is tolerance. In such a situation, people and groups should deal with others according to the spirit of tolerance and forbearance. Making progress while living together is the only practicable way to go. Without this spirit of progress, human civilization cannot evolve.

Tolerance does not mean inactivity. Neither does it mean that a better course of action was possible but that a person opted for a lesser solution. The truth is that in this present world tolerance is the only choice possible. Tolerance is our practical need rather than a passive retreat.

It often happens that a person finds a certain set of circumstances unpleasant and starts fighting against them. He thinks that his struggle will bring into existence a more propitious way of life than his present situation. But this is not so. His inability to be tolerant can only have a negative outcome.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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