According to the law of nature, human life is based on the principle of interdependence. Disparities are inherent in our social structure, and society can only be cohesive and peaceful if each member…
I am a vegetarian. I am also a born pacifist. My life has been an eventful one and all the events of my life have, directly or indirectly, borne some relation to my peace-loving nature.
Here, I…
The Times of India | March 31, 2025
Eid al-Fitr comes just after the final day of fasting. The word Eid in Arabic means 'returning at regular intervals' and refers to the two annual Islamic…
One can sum up the state of the Muslim community today by saying that they are afflicted by a persecution complex. Wherever one looks, one finds Muslims haunted by a feeling of having lost something…
The Times of India | March 22, 2025
Water is the foundation of life, an essential element without which existence would be impossible. It constitutes a significant portion of all living beings, with…
Sunday Guardian | May 30, 2020
A noted western writer, after studying the lives of great men, attempted to pinpoint the special qualities that were common to all of them. He concluded that all of…
Soulveda | March 19, 2025
कछुआ पाँच सौ वर्ष तक जीवित रहता है। पेड़ एक हज़ार वर्ष तक धरती पर खड़ा रहता है। पहाड़ और नदी लाखों-करोड़ों वर्ष तक अपने गौरव को बनाए रखते हैं, लेकिन इंसान की उम्र पचास वर्ष या…
Fasting means withdrawing from worldly attachments. This reaches a climax during Itikaf. Itikaf is a very special practice, marking the closure of the blessed month of Ramadan. Observers of this…
How does the Islamic way of life set off inner activities in man? In this, the mainspring is the concept of accountability. Islam brings man to the realization that God Almighty is omnipresent and…
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