Hatred for a Person Will
Blind You of His Virtues

Real faith produces an intellectual revolution in the individual that enables him to form his opinions by rising above personal preferences. This leads
to sagacity.

According to a certain tradition, the Prophet of Islam once observed: “A believer is wise and sagacious.” (Musnad al-Shahab 128) This does not mean that sagacity or profound understanding is associated with some races or groups. That it is found in those who call themselves believers does not mean that it is a special feature of any particular group. It is rather a special feature of faith. One who has true faith will be possessed of this quality.

What is sagacity or wisdom? The greatest secret of sagacity is expressed in this prophetic exhortation: “O God, show me things as they are.” (Tafsir al-Razi, v. 1, p. 119)

This means to see the reality of things. Belief produces this quality in a person and one who has the ability to see things as they are will always form the right opinion and his judgement will always be right.

Real faith produces an intellectual revolution in the individual. This enables him to form his opinions by rising above personal matters and when this quality is developed within one, it leads to sagacity.

When anyone sees another with jealousy and hatred, he will not be able to see his personal virtues. He will find him all evil. On the contrary, when a person looks upon another with love and respect, even his evils will be ignored and he will regard him as being all good.

It follows that if an opinion is formed when one is in a state of anger, vengefulness and high dudgeon, such an opinion can never be a normal one. When any such feelings dominate one, he will not be able to form the right opinion about anyone.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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