Superiority Complex
Leads to Evil

A great attribute of the Angels is gratitude, which leads to positivity, while Satan is guilty of ingratitude. He felt himself superior to Adam. The superiority complex is at the root of all evil.

When God created Adam, He commanded Iblis, the Chief of the Genies to prostrate himself before Adam, but Iblis refused to do so. This was because he felt himself to be superior to Adam. This regarding of himself as being superior was the crime due to which Satan chose not to follow God’s commandment and was held rejected. (Quran 7:12)

It is this feeling which is at the root of all evil. Much of the negativity in human life is ultimately the result of this self-styled superiority complex.

When someone does not acknowledge the truth, it is because he holds the person from whom he receives knowledge of the truth to be inferior to himself. When he wrongs anyone, he justifies his actions by considering the person he has wronged to be inferior to him.

Similarly, in institutions when there are quarrels about posts the reason is invariably the same. It is because one person regards himself as being more deserving of that post than another.

If one who has this feeling of greatness about himself has more power than a person whom he considers weak, he does not deem it necessary to treat that person with justice. This is an active expression of his superiority complex. On the contrary, one who has a superiority complex but has no power, can only passively express his feeling of superiority.

People who are afflicted by such weakness as jealousy and envy, engage in a battle of words in order to prove others inferior. When they themselves prove ineffectual in their endeavours, they nurture negative feelings in their hearts and resort to voicing such sentiments as prove others to be inferior to themselves.

One great attribute of the angels is gratitude, while Satan is guilty of ingratitude.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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