Opportunities Activism, Duty-Consciousness


Differences are a natural part of globalized pluralistic societies. Problems occur when differences are allowed to escalate into conflicts. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan analyzed that the root cause of conflicts in the world is rights-consciousness in people. God has created everyone with unlimited potential. Instead of asking others to fulfill our rights, we must become realistic and see the opportunities that are still available, and strive to avail these opportunities through wise planning. Then we will certainly receive more than our rights. In this way, we can shape our future on our own. Self-empowerment helps us become 'giver-members' of society rather than 'taker-members'. CPS Peace Programs have helped thousands of graduates adopt duty-consciousness and opportunities activism, to enable them to develop positive personalities and shape their own futures.



Applying Quranic Principles in Life


The Quran Study Program helps participants understand that the Quran is the preserved Word of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the first quarter of the 7th century. To understand the Quran, one must contemplate on its verses, called tafakkur and tadabbur in the Quran. A study of the Quran in this way will introduce a man to his Creator (1:2), the One God, and understand the Creation Plan of God. Having found the purpose of life, one then turns to the Quran to find the principles by which to live God-oriented lives. In this way, one can learn lessons from the Quran, called tawassum. By contemplating on the verses of the Quran, we can derive principles to apply in our lives to develop Quranic personalities. In this way, the Quran continues to guide us for success in this life and in the Afterlife. ENROLL



Developing God-Oriented Personalities


The Culture of Peace Program helps participants to become masters of situations by developing personalities on a culture of peace. The entire universe is based on the culture of peace. There are innumerable entities in the cosmos, all in constant motion. None interferes in the sphere of the others. None ever clashes with others. While the rest of the universe is governed by the laws of nature, man has been given freedom of choice by God Almighty for the purpose of testing him. This creates problems in human society. For peace to prevail in society, human beings must imbibe the same culture of the universe. They must discover and submit to their Creator as the rest of the universe. They must abandon the path of violence and walk on the path of peace of their own choice. ENROLL



Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management


The Conflict Resolution for Peace-Building Program helps people apply realistic approaches to conflict management based on Quranic and Prophetic wisdom toward peace-building. CPS explains that the present age is the age of opportunities explosion in which all opportunities have come within everyone’s reach. So, now there is no need to indulge in conflicts over differing interests to gain one’s ends. We must prevent conflicts by not provoking the egos of others and nipping conflicts in the bud. And when conflicts do occur, we need to arrive at amicable settlements through difference management by winning over one’s opponents and through peaceful negotiations. In this way, CPS shares realistic principles for inter-personal, inter-groups, inter-religious, and international conflict management and peace-building. ENROLL



Need to Re-engineer Minds on Islamic Lines


Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Foundation Program is a two-week initiative designed to provide stakeholders and authorities with a practical approach to combating violent extremism. Violent extremism has emerged as a global threat. While authorities often respond to it with military measures viewing it as a battle of force, stakeholders are exploring proactive strategies in various forms. Yet, these methods have shown limited effectiveness. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, an Islamic scholar of world renown, explained that extremism and militancy cannot be eliminated by bombs and guns. It is a case of ideology vs counter-ideology. The root cause of Muslim militancy is the misrepresented ideology of the ‘political interpretation of Islam,’ which misinterprets Islamic text to present a self-styled ideology of a religion of enforcement. Influenced by this ideology certain Muslims are motivated to perpetrate violence, wrongly using the name of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace, the commandments of which need to be followed of one’s free will. However, the misconstrued political ideology shows it as a religion enforcing Islamic commandments on others. CVE Program helps participants understand that the realistic and preventive approach to countering violent extremism is to re-engineer the minds of those engaged in violence by presenting the correct Islamic perspective of the very same Quranic verses that are used to radicalize them. Then, they leave violence on their own and start working in the fields of positive and peaceful activism. ENROLL

Countering Violent Extremism


Peaceful Dialogue for Mutual Learning


The Interfaith Dialogue for Peace-Making Program is a two-week initiative designed to provide insight into the process of effective interfaith dialogue for peace-making. Communication and travel have transformed our world into a global village. People from various religions and cultures are interacting on a universal scale. Interaction is another name for dialogue. Through such interfaith and inter-religious dialogue, people are learning one another’s language, becoming familiar with one another’s religions, and, by making concessions for others, learning to live together in peace and harmony. The program helps participants understand that interfaith dialogue seeks peaceful solutions to controversial matters while, at the same time, being ready to learn from the insights and experiences of others. In this way, they can discover and appreciate wise and good things in other religions and, grow as spiritually better human beings, which is surely a goal shared by various religions. The program, further, trains participants to engage in peaceful interfaith dialogue using principles of mutual respect, tolerance, well-wishing and love. The program encourages participants to recognize that all of humanity shares a common Creator, dissolving the notion of ‘us versus them’ and fostering a ‘we-we’ perspective, seeing every person as a brother or sister. Embracing this awareness nurtures a culture of ‘love for all,’ providing an ideal foundation for interfaith dialogue and creating a unifying platform for spiritual and peace-oriented individuals worldwide. ENROLL

Interfaith Dialogue for Peace-Making


Developing Patriotism and National Character


The Nation-First Program is a two-week initiative designed to help participants understand that their progress is linked to the progress of the country in which they reside. If they want to progress in society or nation, they have to change their thinking on positive lines and inculcate patriotism, national character, and unilateral ethics in themselves. Patriotism is the feeling on the part of the individual or group that their progress and future are linked with their country. National character is the spirit of compromise and cooperation for the common good of the nation, and the willingness to endure short-term setbacks for the long-term good of the nation, and society. Unilateral ethics means to follow such principles in life that can help us to develop individually, and work together despite differences, so we become contributors to social and national development. The tree shows us how to develop national character in ourselves: first consolidation and then expansion. Just as a tree rises tall and extends its branches toward the sun only when its roots are firmly anchored in the soil, we, too, must cultivate a strong inner foundation to shine brightly like the sun in society or as a nation. To achieve this, we must first develop our character on positive lines by imbibing ethical principles, and educating and preparing ourselves to become conscientious, responsible citizens. ENROLL





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