Fulfilling Others’ Needs is a
Higher Level of Humanity

If feeding oneself serves the interests of this world, then feeding others serves the interests of existence in the Hereafter. It raises man to a higher level of humanity.

The Quran shows one aspect of God’s desired people as being their willingness to give food—despite their love for it—to the poor and orphans and captives (76:8). Moreover, the Quran tells us that in the Hereafter, when the people of hell are asked what it was that brought them to hell, one reason they will give is this: “We didn’t feed the poor.” (74:44)

In such verses the act of feeding the poor is symbolic. This means that according to Islam it is a must for everyone, that whenever he sees anyone thirsty and hungry, he should give him food and drink. He should fulfil his needs.

Feeding others or fulfilling their needs is without doubt an act of great virtue. If just earning and feeding oneself is the average level of humanity, then earning, sharing one’s food with others and fulfilling their needs takes a human being to a higher level of humanity.

If in any society people are imbued with such a spirit that they take into account in their earnings the share of others and, along with fulfilling their own needs, they fulfil others’ need as well, such a society will be a peaceful one. In such a society everyone will lead his life peacefully. Such a society will be like one big family each member of which will feel for others. They will have good feelings for others, just as they have good feelings for the members of their own family.

Those who build such a society in this world fulfil the will of God. These are the people who will be lodged in the society of Paradise in the Hereafter, for they shall have the right to lead their lives in consonance with this heavenly society. They already live their lives in this world on the pattern of the heavenly society.

If feeding oneself serves the interests of this world, then feeding others serves the interests of existence in the Hereafter. If feeding oneself gives us temporary happiness, then feeding others give us permanent happiness. Eating oneself is commonplace, while giving food to others is living on a high level of humanity.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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