The Blessing of Food

All honour and success in the Hereafter will be reserved for those who show gratitude for God’s blessings like food, health, life support system and so on.

Chapter 80 of the Quran states: “Let man reflect on the food he eats. We let the rain pour down in torrents and then We cleaved the earth asunder. We make the grain grow out of it, and grape vines and vegetables, and olive trees and date palms and burgeoning enclosed gardens and fruits and fodder as provision for you and for your cattle to enjoy.

But when the deafening blast is sounded, on that Day a man shall flee from his own brother, his mother, his father, his wife and his sons: on that Day every man among them will have enough concern of his own—on that Day some faces will be beaming, laughing, and rejoicing, but some faces will be covered with dust and overcast with gloom: those will be ones who denied the truth and were immersed in iniquity.” (80:24-42)

A human being is a creature who needs continuous food and provision to survive in this world. This food has been arranged on earth on a very vast scale, and we have no hand in this arrangement. This arrangement of food has been done in the form of agricultural products, the supply of water on earth, and because of water all kinds of grains, fruits or dry fruits are produced.

If a person is to be blessed, he should lead a life of God worshipping in this world. The driving force behind the true godliness required of a person is, in reality, his sense of gratitude. If he gives serious consideration to his creation and the various natural systems in operation around him, he will eventually develop a sense of gratitude towards his Lord. The state of being which results from these feelings of gratitude and obligation is known as godliness. This is adoration of God in the real sense.

All honour and success in the Hereafter are reserved for people such as have a sense of gratitude.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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