A Believer Keeps the Peace
in Every Situation

God loves the state of peace. A believer is a peace-loving person and keeps peace at all costs, so that his constructive activities may continue unhampered.

A believer is a peace-loving person. Having faith and being peace-loving are so closely linked with one another that a believer in all situations will try to keep the peace. He can bear with any loss except that of a peaceful environment.

The life a believer wants to lead in the present world is possible only in a peaceful ambience. A state of peace creates a favourable atmosphere for a believer, while a state of turbulence does the very opposite.

Peace always demands some sacrifice. That sacrifice is that even if opponents behave disruptively, this has to be ignored in order to maintain a situation of peace. Even if a disturbance of peace is caused solely by others it has to be glossed over so that an atmosphere of peace may be maintained. A believer is always ready to make this sacrifice. He bears all kinds of losses and injustice so that peace may not be disturbed, and so that an environment of peace may prevail.

A believer’s attitude is always constructive. But such an attitude can be maintained only in a state of peace. That is why he keeps the peace at all costs, so that his constructive activities may continue unhampered.

A believer is a flower in the garden of nature. The flower gets scorched in hot air, while the cool air allows it to remain attractive. The same is true of a believer. For a believer, peace is a basic requirement. Peace is the life of the believer. A believer loves peace. A believer craves peace so that the flower of faith may bloom on his “human tree” and, without any obstacle, may flourish in the environment of nature.

Peace is the religion of the universe. Peace is a universal law of nature. God loves the state of peace. He does not love a state of unrest. It is enough for a believer to love peace. And in no situation should he tolerate any disturbance of the peace.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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