Complaining about Others
is a Waste of Time

Complaining about others is a waste of one’s time. Everyone’s future is within his own hands. One can build one’s life by one’s own efforts.

Whatever misfortune befalls you is of your own doing—God forgives much (42:30).

This verse of the Quran tells us that whenever a person is afflicted by any calamity in this world, it is due to his own deeds or misdeeds. In this world, complaining about others’ injustice is meaningless. Everyone has to suffer the consequences of his own deeds. Complaining about others is a waste of one’s time. There is no benefit in doing so.

This system has been devised by nature itself and there is much that is good in this system. It is a great source of hope. This system of nature has put the solution to our problems into our own hands. We are not dependent upon anyone else.

If anyone is suffering from some problems and the cause is traceable to someone else, it means that we are dependent upon others. We need others’ help. But God has devised the system of this world in such a way that matters have been placed in one’s own hands. That is, by one’s own efforts one can build one’s own life. Everyone’s future is within his own hands.

It sometimes happens that a person suffers due to his own mistakes or foolishness. By opting for a wise approach, those so afflicted can save themselves from loss. Sometimes due to lack of planning things go wrong. But there is always the opportunity to do the requisite planning and rectify matters in the future. Sometime due to impatience a person finds himself in trouble. But it is possible for him to adopt the correct attitude and save himself from further loss. Sometimes due to an emotional approach, certain people find themselves in trouble, but they always have the opportunity to once again opt for the principle of realism, and thus reach their desired destination.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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