Superficial Deeds Don’t Carry Weight in the Hereafter
In this world even falsehood can appear weighty to certain people. But in the Hereafter, nothing will carry weight except for the truth.
Chapter 101 of the Quran states: “The Clatterer! What is the Clatterer? Would that you knew what the Clatterer is! [It is] a Day when mankind shall be like scattered moths and the mountains like tufts of carded wool. Then, the one whose good deeds weigh heavy on the scales, will have a most pleasing life. But as for him whose deeds are light on the scales, the Abyss shall be his home. What will convey to you what this is like? It is a blazing fire.” (101:1-11)
The turmoil of Doomsday will smash everything. People will completely lose their bearings. Thereafter a new world will come into existence where only Truth will carry weight. All falsity will be set at naught. In the present world, the approval of the people prevails. Here things carry weight according to the likes and dislikes of people. The world of the Hereafter is the world of God, where everything will be subservient to His will.
In the present world, any deeds performed are judged according to their appearance. In the Hereafter deeds will be judged according to their inner reality. The more sincere a person’s deeds, the more importance they will be given. The deed which is devoid of sincerity will carry absolutely no weight in the Hereafter, however significant it might have seemed to the superficial people of the present world.
In the present world that action becomes weighty which is marked by concession to worldly situation, which is in accordance with the traditions of the times and has become important because of long social custom. Those who have such deeds to their credit attain to the status of greatness and honour in the eyes of the people.
What happens in the Hereafter will be totally different. There, only a principled life will carry any weight. Only those actions which have been performed according to a high standard of ethics, will be given any importance. There, all the importance will be given to those actions which possess eternal values rather than just meeting exigencies of the time.
In this world even falsehood can appear weighty to certain people. But in the Hereafter, nothing will carry weight except for the truth.