Rise above Materialism, Focus
on Sublime Realities

Man should raise himself above superficial things, refrain from following his desires and focus on sublime realities, to reach the high level reserved for him in Paradise.

Chapter 7 of the Quran states: “If it had been Our will, We could have used these signs to exalt him, but instead he clung to the earth and followed his own desires—he was like a dog that pants whether you chase it away or leave it alone. Such are those who reject Our signs. Tell them this story so that they may reflect.” (7:176)

The signs of truth are in evidence everywhere in the present world. A person’s conscience guides him to the truth. The universe by its very existence is a silent declaration of the truth. Moreover, God’s Messenger takes guidance from God and conveys it to people to the ultimate extent.

Similarly, God has made a universal arrangement for the guidance of human beings. If a person were to listen to these divine messages and seek guidance from them, he could never go astray. He would certainly find the truth and then he would head towards that destination which is the real destination of success. During this process he would develop himself intellectually. His soul would keep evolving and he could become God’s preferred servant for whom He has reserved eternal blessings.

But the tragedy with most people is that they get defeated by succumbing to material things which draw them towards them. They ignore the voice of their own consciences and the silent announcement of the universe and the guidance of the Prophet to rush towards material attractions. And finally, they get destroyed in a world which has the best opportunities for realizing the truth. But they fail to find the truth and their fate is destruction.

God has opened up the best opportunities for human beings in this world. He has provided all those factors, all those resources by which a person may undertake his journey and reach great heights. But one condition of this journey is that a person has to raise himself above superficial things and refrain from following his desires. He must ignore apparent attractions and focus his attention on sublime realities. Only people who do so will reach the high level reserved for human beings. Those who fail to do so will fall from the high status of humanity to the low level of animals.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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