God does not Differentiate between His Creatures

All human beings are equally God’s creatures. They should live in unity and amity in society, just as they live in their own families.

According to Islam, all human beings have been created by the one God. As such, all human beings are of one brotherhood. Differentiating between one person and another is not approved of by God.

Humanity began with one human pair called Adam and Eve. Human beings, wherever they are or in whatever country, they all belong to the same race of Adam and Eve. The differences that are found in colour and language and in other cultural matters, are due to geographical factors. So far as origin is concerned, all human beings are the progeny of Adam and Eve and have now settled all over the world.

The teaching of Islam is that the differences in language, colour and features should not cause people to regard others as strangers. On the contrary, what should happen ideally, is that they should have good feelings and love for others. They should be of help to one another. All human beings in the vaster sense, should live in unity and amity just as they live in their own families.

The truth is that the relation between one human being and another is not that of strangeness, but of familiarity. It is not one of distance, but of closeness. It is not one of hatred but of love.

When all human beings have the same mother and father, it means that all human beings are equal. Here neither is anyone small nor is anyone great. The difference between great and small is not between one person and another but between an individual and God. So far as human beings are concerned, all have the same position as all others but as compared to God, there is no human being greater than Him. All human beings are equally God’s creatures. God looks upon everyone with the same eye. He does not differentiate between his creatures.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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