Join Hands with Those who
Break From You

The superior human being is one who thinks rationally rather than emotionally. His attitude is governed by well-considered principles rather than knee-jerk reactions.

According to a tradition the Prophet of Islam once observed: “Should I not tell you what the best moral course is in this world as well as in the Hereafter?” The companion present there replied, “O Prophet of God, yes!” Then the Prophet said, “If someone separates from you, join with him; if someone deprives you of something give it to him; if someone is unjust to you, forgive him.” (Al-Mujam al-Kabir, al-Tabarani 739)

In this world a person often has such bitter experiences that he succumbs to anger. On all occasions of deprivation or injustice it generally happens that the aggrieved people respond in anger. They want the bitter experiences they have faced to be returned tit for tat, so that they teach the offending person a lesson.

This is not high thinking. The superior human being is one who thinks rationally rather than emotionally. His attitude is governed by well-considered principles rather than knee-jerk reactions.

The mind of such a human being does not get disturbed by another’s attitude. His mental maturity enables him to rise above reaction and find a level of existence superior to it. He behaves well towards everyone, even if he is receiving bad behaviour from others.

This high thinking enables him to continue to join hands with those who wish to sever the relationship with him. He is happy to give, even to those who do not want to give anything to him in return. Even those who are not good to him or are unjust to him are forgiven by him unilaterally.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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