When Your Hands and Feet
Bear Witness to Your Deeds

When man is guided by his nature, he becomes the traveller of the straight path which will lead him to eternal Paradise.

Chapter 36 of the Quran states: “[And God will say], ‘Separate yourselves from the righteous this Day, you criminals. Did I not enjoin you, sons of Adam, not to worship Satan—for he is your sworn enemy–but to worship Me? Surely, that is a straight path. Yet he led astray a great multitude of you. Why did you not then understand? This is the Hell you were promised. Enter it this Day on account of your denial of the truth.’ Today We shall seal up their mouths and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will bear witness to their misdeeds.” (36:59-65)

In the present life, good people and bad people live in the same world. But in the life of the Hereafter, these two groups will be separated; the followers of Satan will be with Satan and the subjects of the Most Beneficent God will be with God. Nobody worships Satan per se, but the worshipper of anybody other than God is, in fact, indirectly the worshipper of Satan.

Modern research has proved that a person’s skin is a form of record on which his utterances are recorded and from where they can also be reproduced. This is a sign which makes it understandable that in the Hereafter person’s entire being will bear witness to his deeds.

In everyone’s nature, the concept of God exists from birth in the conscious mind. Every human being from his birth has this inclination to accept someone who is great and surrender before him. It is as it were the covenant of nature. All human beings are bound by this covenant of nature to God. When a person is guided by this natural guidance, he walks the path of obedience to God and he becomes the traveller of the straight path set by God which will lead him to the destination of eternal blessings.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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