Tolerance Leads to Respecting Differences

Cleanliness for a believer is a form of worship. The faith of a believer is a guarantee that when he is physically clean, he is also able to purify his soul.

Tolerance is a great human and Islamic quality. Tolerance means making concessions to others. Whereas a lack of tolerance shows that a person only considers himself. He is unaware of the demands of others. Tolerance is a noble virtue. It has been variously referred to in Islam, for instance, gentleness, softening of the heart, and being kind to all creatures.

When an individual attains to true worship and true religiosity, he rises above all the evils which stem from selfishness. He begins to be aware of external realities rather than just his own self. Such a person starts seeing others with eyes of love; this becomes second nature to him. He does not expect anything from others. Therefore, if others are not good to him, even then he keeps up his tolerant attitude towards them.

Tolerance enables a person in all situations to respect others, whether they are good to him or not. In all situations he should live amongst them with the best human values, whether they are friends or relatives or unrelated to him. In all situations, he should treat people with sympathy and well-wishing, even if they are unsympathetic in their attitude.

Tolerance in actual fact means being conciliatory towards others. In social life one is unavoidably faced with differences in religion, culture, tradition, personal preferences, and so on. In such a situation, the best course is to tread the path of concession and broad-mindedness while adhering to one’s principles. In his personal matters a person should be a man of principle, but when it comes to others, he should be ready to adjust. He subjects himself to self-criticism but with others, he is lenient, kind and broad minded. It is the aim of Islam to produce such a high standard of character in the believers.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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