Planned Action
Requires Patience

Patience helps man to rise above his emotions and engage in planned action, which has been executed with proper foresight.

Chapter 48 of the Quran states: “Have patience, then, as had the steadfast Messengers before you; and be in no haste about them.” (46:35)

Life has to be lived amidst difficulties and problems, especially for those who have a mission in life. Such individuals face obstacles, difficulties and opposition at every step, as if they were travelling through a violent storm.

This being so, there are two ways to lead one’s life – one is that whenever one is confronted with an untoward situation, action is promptly taken as an immediate reaction. Another way is that in an adverse situation a person should control his feelings. He should think over the matter coolly. He should consult others, then take action in response to it after making a well-considered decision. One way is that of haste, while the other way is that of patience.

Any step taken in haste tends to have a less favourable outcome. This is because in such a case, the whole background study has not been included. In such a situation the individual does not gauge either his own ability properly nor that of his adversary or any other party. And, without caring for the consequences, he immediately enters the fray. And it is a law of nature that any step taken without caring for the consequences will never carry one to success.

Where patience is concerned, the situation is totally different. One who opts for the way of patience will always think of the consequences before taking any action. He will make concessions to realities rather than to emotions. He knows that he is in a world where the law of nature has the upper hand, rather than his own desires and leanings.

Patience helps a person to rise above his emotions and give thought to the reality that in rising above his personal desires, he will come to understand the system of nature. Patience enables one to engage in action which has been planned and in this world successful action is only that which has been executed with proper foresight.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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