To Achieve Something Big

An English poet once said: “The one who wants to achieve something big is busy in his work when common people are fast asleep.”

This means that real achievers do not work only at normal times but are also busy even when others, free from their work, are taking rest. He works more than the common run of the people. This is why he achieves greater success than others. It is a reality that great success is always the result of great effort.

It was once pointed out to C.V. Raman, the famous Indian scientist who was awarded a Nobel Prize, that the credit for all those important discoveries which scientists have made should not go to the scientists, because most discoveries are made by chance. Dr. Raman answered: “Yes, but this kind of chance happens only to the scientists.”

For example, discoveries concerning electricity often happen while the scientist is conducting research in his laboratory. During research something lights up and then the scientist starts investigating. This shows that although new discoveries happen all of a sudden, this occurs only to one who is continuously engaged in investigation and research. If a person is sitting idle, this kind of good fortune will never come to him.

The same is true of all other kinds of success in life. Greater success comes more often to a person while he is engaged in his work, working hard day and night. Then suddenly an opportunity arises and he makes advances by availing of it there and then. This opportunity arrives suddenly without any prior notice. Anyone who works at day and remains indolent at night will be unable to avail of any opportunity which presents itself at night. In the same way, one who works at night and remains indolent during the day will be unable to avail of any opportunity which presents itself in the daytime. Great success is always attained after a great struggle. There is no other way to achieve great success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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