The Price of Unity

Unity is the subject of much oratory and journalism. Today everyone is speaking and writing on unity. But nowhere has unity been established. The reason is that everything has its price tag. This is true also of unity. It too has its price tag. People talk of unity but they do not want to pay the price for it. This is why unity does not become established anywhere.

Why does unity disintegrate? There is just one reason, and that is the failure to put an end to the sentiments of disunity arising in oneself. This world is a testing ground. Here for different reasons, such sentiments develop against others. Only if you succeed in burying such sentiments within yourself will unity prevail. And if they are not buried, they will destroy the harmony which flows from unity.

Sometimes you have complaints about another, or sometimes you feel bitter because someone appears to come in the way of your success. Sometimes you feel jealous of others’ achievements. Sometimes out of pride you feel happy about insulting someone and proving him worthless.

If such negativity is to be rectified, the individuals concerned must pay the price. And the price is that they bow down to maintain the air of unity—they tolerate complaints and eschew bitterness. They must be willing to sacrifice their own interests. They have to be sincerely happy at the achievements of others.

They have to change their attitude of pride into one of humility. Such personal sacrifice is the sole secret of unity.

They will necessarily face provocative situations. It is impossible for such situations not to arise in the present testing ground. In fact, these situations are the deciding factor between unity or disunity. If a person buries such sentiments in his heart as may lead to the disruption of unity, he will maintain societal unity but if he is not able to do so, societal unity will cease to exist.

To avoid coming into conflict with others, one has to fight with oneself. However, people are not ready to fight with themselves, and that is why their fight with others never comes to an end.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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