Flexibility of Approach

Once when a passenger reached the railway station, he was told by a porter that the train he wanted to board had already departed. “Sir, don’t worry,” the porter said. “In two hours times you can board another train on this same platform. Till then you can rest here.” The passenger accepted his advice and two hours later he boarded another train and left for his destination.

Every traveler knows that if he misses a train, he can very soon board another train. This is the lesson of the platform. But usually people forget this well-known lesson at the time when in the rush of things, an opportunity slips away from them. After facing failure for the first time, they either become disappointed or they fall to lamenting and protesting. The right way to deal with this would be to re-plan some other course of action in order to reach their destination, that is, by boarding another train.

When you clash with an opponent, and that has brought no good results, you should change your approach and try to solve the problem by a gentle method. It is quite possible that one who became your enemy because of earlier aggressive tactics might become your esteemed friend with a soft approach. Similarly, if you lose a job, don’t go on lamenting, but rather strive to find some new source of income in another field.

It is possible that the new work may prove to be more profitable. If someone takes away your rights and a dispute begins, and even after several years you fail to have your rights restored, then change your strategy. Put your trust in hard work. It is entirely possible that by working hard you will achieve what you failed to achieve by asking for help from others.

Many problems in life arise due to narrow-mindedness. If one is broad-minded then one will know that to “travel” here, many vehicles are available. What one could not achieve by making demands could have been achieved by establishing good relations. Where one had failed to establish one’s rights through demands and protests, one could have reached one’s goal by treading the path of assiduity.

Where one could not control others by displaying anger and becoming provoked one could have won hearts with patience.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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