Every New Morning

Once a businessman was asked what success was? He answered:

“When you wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and shout: ‘Great! Another day!’ Then you are a success.” The fact is that a new morning following the night is a great thing, because it gives us another day for work. One who has a real passion for work will be eager to embrace another day. It is such a person who can do great deeds in this world.

The rotation of the earth on its axis is a unique event. Because in the vast universe there are other planets such as Mercury which travel in their orbit without rotating on their axes, so that on one side there is always day and on the other side, there is always night. The earth is an exceptional planet in that it rotates on its axis while circling the sun. Due to this, day and night come one after another on the earth. This is an astonishing arrangement made by God. This is how God Almighty has given man the chance to work in the day time and rest at night.

If a person were to think deeply on this whole system, he would find it so astonishing to see the day after the night on earth that he would jump from his bed as soon as the morning approached and would thank God for granting him a precious opportunity for work. Only those who consider morning as a precious blessing can succeed in using their mornings as new opportunities.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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