No Frustration

Abraham Lincoln, the builder of present-day America, is famous in the political history of the country. But Lincoln did not achieve this success all at once. To reach this level of success he had to surmount countless hurdles. Lincoln’s life has been described as follows.

This man failed in business in 1831. He was defeated in politics in 1832. He failed once again in business in 1834. He had a nervous breakdown in 1841. In 1843 he hoped to receive his party’s nomination for Congress. But this did not happen. He ran for the Senate and lost in 1855; he was defeated again in 1858. A hopeless loser, some said. But Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States in 1860. He knew how to accept defeat—as a temporary phase.

Success very often follows failure. In this world, success is only for the person who has the courage to accept defeat. Everything has a price tag and acceptance of failure is the real price of success. Those who do not pay this price will never be able to reach the destination of success in this world.

There is only one way to success in this world, and that is thinking of failure as something temporary. Without losing one’s patience, one should devote oneself to converting one’s failure into success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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