Living with Contentment

A man who once started his life in an ordinary job now owns a large business. He once said in a meeting: “When I was an employee earning Rs. 200, I considered myself a man worth Rs. 100. Now when my business has reached 2 crores, then too I consider myself a man worth 1 crore.” This is what is known in religion as contentment. This contentment relates to individual as well as community matters.

This statement, which a man once made in all sincerity, is the greatest secret of success in life. In most situations, one remains unsuccessful only because one thinks of himself as being of greater worth than he actually is. He aspires to more than his talent would warrant, and not being content with less, chases after more. If a man were to follow the principles of the above-mentioned businessman, he would never face failure. One who is able to spend but acts thriftily will never suffer from any economic crisis.

It will never happen that a man who has the strength to run but still walks slowly, will get tired and sit down in the middle of his journey. One who treats his opponent with patience where he is in a position to harm him, will never face defeat from his opponent. It was once observed that interest in the short term can be sacrificed for long term gain.

This is undoubtedly a very important principle of success. But only those can follow this principle who take action after thinking of the consequences and not those who react impulsively.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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