Look Before You Leap

To make a daring escape from a jail in Sydney, Australia, a prisoner climbed underneath the hood of a truck. At the truck’s next stop, he clambered out and found himself in the yard of another prison 6.5 kilometers from the first one (United Press International).

The obsession with the thought of managing an escape from the prison’s miserable life so dominated his mind that when he saw a truck passing by, he took it for granted that it would release him from his confinement.

This goes to show how the steps we take sometimes lead us further away from our destination, or simply lead us nowhere at all.

To turn life’s journey into a success, a traveler must find the right conveyance. In this world, everyone requires some means or conveyance, so to speak, to achieve his goal. But it is necessary for one to inquire into the destination before one boards the conveyance. Leaps at random do not serve the purpose. If one misses the right ‘conveyance’ one is likely to meet the fate of the Australian prisoner—arriving at one jail from another.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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