Giving Way to Others

Every day in big cities, millions of people travel back and forth in buses, cars and vans, going north, south, east and west, all in opposite directions. They speed along broad thoroughfares which intersect as if laid out on a grid pattern, sometimes symmetrically and sometimes asymmetrically, depending upon the configuration of the terrain. There is never any confusion in the flow of traffic—no clashes, no confrontation, because every big city has its system of traffic lights at all of the crossroads. The red lights stop traffic going in one direction, while the green lights show at right angles to this that it is now safe to proceed.

Provided that all drivers obey the highway code, stop at the red lights and move forward only at the green lights, there will be a smooth, accident-free flow of traffic. Drivers have to respect the necessity to give way to others. This is very much the case with life’s affairs. People must see the necessity to give way to others and give them their rights. Only in this way will they be able to lay claim to their own rights. If they do not do so, they will be like the drivers who cause chaos, confusion and blockage of the roads.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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