Complaining against Others

There is no limit to complaints, not only in relation to the common man but they are made even against the Prophet. Even God is not exempt from this general practice. There are a number of people who regularly blame God for their problems. There is also an on-going debate in philosophical circles on the problem of evil. Certain self-styled thinkers claim that either God does not exist or, if He does exist, He is not by any means perfect. If God had indeed been perfect, the problem of evil would not have existed.

Complaints are sometimes real, but very often they stem from the warped mentality of the person making the complaints. This is the reason the Quran says that whenever you hear anything against anyone, investigate it. By investigation it will become clear whether the statement is true or false.

There are different types of complaints, the least justifiable type being that which derives from the complainant’s sense of personal inferiority. Most people like to think of themselves as being superior to others. But when they come across people whom God has made superior to them, they find it very difficult to accept the superiority of such people. Usually, one is unable to accept the fact that another person is superior to oneself. One cannot bear the diminution of one’s own personal worth. That is something which is destructive of personality.

To maintain the semblance of one’s superiority, one starts proving others to be at fault.

One falsely accuses others. One tries to humiliate others so as to bolster one’s own sense of superiority. To develop a positive personality one should refrain from such actions.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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