Education: The Science of Life

Education is in no way a mere employment certificate. Its true purpose is to bring intellectual awareness to the human mind. Ensuring that all individuals have an education is the first step towards the construction of a nation. Whenever the journey of a nation begins, it must certainly be from here; there is no other point from which to start.

What does making people intellectually aware mean? It means enabling people to link the past and the present, to draw proper conclusions, to be able to put life’s issues in the context of eternal planning. It helps them to learn to judge their weaknesses as well as their strengths. They must also learn to know how to make their will correspond to the will of God, this being the only way they can ever hope to achieve success in this world of God. Only a person of understanding is fit to be called a human being, in the real sense of the word. Such an individual alone is able to judge himself and others properly, by arriving at correct conclusions. It is only after learning which of his opinions are objective and which are not, that he is able to recognize which of his actions have simply been negative reactions and which have actually been positive actions. He can then separate the evil from the good and the false from the true. All of us possess eyes, but it is education which gives one the intellectual eye, the eye of discernment. Uneducated eyes enable one to see only appearances; education makes it possible for one to go deeper into the realities of life.

Just as a farmer plants a seed and tends it so that it may grow into a tree, so do educational institutions aid in bringing one’s intellectual journey to fruition. Education does, of course, help one to find employment, but that is a matter of secondary importance. The real virtue of education is that it reveals to a person the science of life, thus making him a discerning human being.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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