The Positive Side of Danger and Insecurity

In the jungle, one set of animals perpetually goes in fear of another set. That is why they are always on the alert, this being necessary for their very survival. In this way their natural potential is developed and there is no danger of their faculties atrophying or going into a decline. It is because of this that the great parks meant as animal sanctuaries provide artificially for danger. For example, in the deer park, a tiger or a wolf will be allowed to enter, so that the deer retain the alertness they need for survival. In this way they are always kept active and lively, and retain their natural vivacity.

The same is true of human beings. A human being has infinite potential, but it remains hidden under normal circumstances, and is awakened only in the face of challenge. This phenomenon is observable everywhere. Families who have access to every comfort and luxury become dull and lifeless. On the other hand, those families who are beset with difficulties are more geared to making use of their potential.

It is in the hard school of life that an individual receives the best of training and learns perseverance. The alertness which emerges from insecure conditions is one of the most valuable qualities of the human personality.

History shows that those who have achieved the heights of success are the ones who have really had to face the pressure of circumstances. This law of nature applies equally to individuals as well as to nations.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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