Failure Turned to Success

When a fire devastated Spencer’s, Madras city’s most famous store, it quickly restored its business by putting up a signboard reading: “You can bet ours is the only store today with nothing but fresh stock.”

This is an example by which one can see that if a person does not lose his grip on things, even after suffering a disaster, he can achieve success once again by using his failure to pave the way for greater achievements. The above store in Madras was devastated by a fire. Apparently it was total calamity. But the shop-owner used this incident as a new means to his success.

When a shop is burnt down, it means that the old stock in the shop no longer exists. Now the shopkeeper immediately bought new products for his shop, knowing that customers prefer to buy fresh products. When he made this announcement, people immediately believed him, because they knew that this shop had been destroyed by fire. They believed that the stock was new, and rushed into the shop to buy things. His loss was soon compensated for thanks to the many purchases made by customers.

In this world, new opportunities lie hidden and waiting to be discovered even when a person’s entire resources are burnt to ashes. No one should ever lose hope. He should immediately use his brains to find the new path to take. He will find that where his previous opportunity has ended, a better opportunity is there, ready and waiting for him. Where one phase of history seems to have come to an end, another better phase of history begins to take shape.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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