The Present World and the Next World

If any farmer would like to reap the harvest on the day of sowing the seeds, shall lose the seeds as well as he will be deprived of the harvest. Same is the case with this world and the post-death world of tomorrow. The world of today is a place for action, and the world of tomorrow is the place for receiving reward. The one who wants to achieve the ‘reward’ in today’s world will be at the price that he will not be able to perform the desired task and will miss the only opportunity of building the world of tomorrow.

Man desires to achieve in the present world, what is to be achieved in tomorrow’s world. This is the reason he loses both of them. The wise man is the one who buys tomorrow’s world at the cost of today’s world, rather than be embroiled in today’s world thus depriving himself from finding a place in the world of tomorrow.

If one tries to find all the comfort of one’s home during a journey, one can never succeed in achieving this. The matter of today’s world and tomorrow’s world can be understood by an example. Today’s world has been made by God for action (performance) and tomorrow’s world for achieving the results of the performance of those actions. Today’s world is a journey, and tomorrow’s world is its final destination.

If one desires to achieve the results in today’s world itself, the planning of one’s actions will all go totally awry. Similarly, if one desires the comforts, available only at one’s destination, during the journey, he would mar his journey.

A wise man is one who understands the difference between today’s world and tomorrow’s world; who does not desire in this world what is to be achieved in the post-death world.

A man ought to be a realist. He must not chase after his desires because desires lead man nowhere but to destruction.

Every man’s heart is an ocean of desires. These desires are not wrong in themselves but the place for the fulfilment of these desires is tomorrow’s world and not the world of today.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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