Supreme Success

In the present world there is no need to be a magician to become a super achiever in any field. A man of middling abilities can also prove himself through a superior performance. A man only requires to know the simple realities of life and avail of them. (Reader’s Digest, October 1986)

An American author who did thorough research on this, says: “In a study of 90 leaders in business, politics, sports and the arts, many spoke of “false starts” but never of “failure”. Disappointment leads to greater resolve. No matter how rough things get, super achievers always feel there are other avenues they can explore. They always have another idea to test.”

If you face failure and blame others for that failure, then the passion you have for hard work will cool down. All you will do is agitate and complain about others and you will not be able to do anything yourself. But if you hold yourself responsible for your failure, your mind will be engaged in making new strategies. You will become more active instead of becoming dull. When you struggle anew, you will achieve far greater success.

To develop your personality, accept the responsibility for your failure. If one strategy does not work, then try another. You will surely achieve superior success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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