Endeavour is What Counts

William II (1859-1941) became King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany on the death of his grandfather, William I in 1888. Intelligent but impetuous, he believed in military power. Yet, the military might that Germany developed during the reign of William II did not succeed in saving his empire from eclipse. In 1914 his support for Austria helped to precipitate a European war, and Germany’s resulting defeat brought about his abdication. He retired to Doom in Holland, where he lived quietly until his death in 1941. His abdication and death in exile provide living proof of the fact that it is not military might that keeps kings in power. Rather, it is the ability to correctly interpret national and international circumstances, and deal with them effectively.

Shortly before the outbreak of World War I, William II went on an official visit to Switzerland, where he was profoundly impressed by the discipline displayed by the Swiss army. While inspecting a military parade, he jokingly said to one of the soldiers: “Germany’s army is twice the size of yours. If the Germans were to attack your country, what would you do?” “Sir, we would have to fire twice instead of once,” came the Swiss soldier’s grave reply.

If the Swiss soldier was able to reply with such confidence and equanimity, it was because of a certain resoluteness of character backed up by military expertise.

Whether faced by numerical superiority or by other daunting factors, it is clear that a combination of expertise and determination can win the day. Some are fortunate enough to be innately resolute, but those who are lacking in this quality can achieve much by prayer. Prayer firms one up in one’s resolutions and sees one through to the achievement of ultimate goals. Expertise, on the other hand, is something which must be acquired by struggle, effort and the constant application of intelligence. No problems should be regarded as insuperable, no situation so adverse that it cannot be turned to good account. It is endeavour which matters, and it should be constantly borne in mind that no amount of protest, whether social or political, can make up for a lack of endeavour.

The secret of all success is patience. The cause of all failure is impatience.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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