The Importance of the Foundation

The construction of a house starts from its foundation. Even if an engineer wants to build a skyscraper, he has to start with its foundation. To start from the base, in other words, means to accept the reality of where a person is standing and think deeply to find the point from where he can start his journey. We are not the only entities in this world. Apart from us there is nature, which functions by its own natural laws. Then there are other people who have their aims and each one of them wants to achieve his own goals. In this situation, it is necessary for us to acknowledge realities and, proceeding on the basis of those realities, we should try to attain our objectives.

The greatest key to success in life is the acknowledgement of reality. One who acknowledges reality gives proof that he is aware of his ‘pluses’ as well as his ‘minuses’.

This awareness tells him what is good for him and what is bad for him. He knows the difference between beginning and end. He knows from where he has to take his first step and the destination where he wants to establish himself.

Acknowledgement is not an act of cowardice. It is in fact, an act of bravery. Acknowledgement is not humiliation. It merits rather a higher degree of respect.

One who does not acknowledge reality lives in a world of illusion. Contrary to this, one who acknowledges reality gives proof that he has come out of the world of illusion and is living in the real world. He can look at things in their actual form.

To grasp things in their real sense is the beginning of wisdom. Only one who possesses the ability to do so will be able to achieve success, whereas one who does not possess this ability will hardly be able even to begin his journey and even if he does manage to begin his journey, he will not be able to proceed with it. He will remain stuck along the way. He will never be able to reach his destination.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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