No Acknowledgement

A family of New Delhi received a telegram. Its title was: ‘Nani expired’.

This means nani (grandmother) has died. After reading this telegram all the members of the family became distressed. The family set out for the place where nani lived, from where the telegram was sent. When these people reached the destination, distressed, and after spending a good amount of money, they found there that nani was very much alive.

They found out that the real title of the telegram was ‘Nani Reached’. But due to the mistake of the clerk it got changed to ‘Nani Expired’. (The Times of India, December 6, 1983)

The telegram office was informed about this grave error. But the response of this was as printed in these words of the newspaper:

The P&T department has not yet accepted the charge of inefficiency, regrets only the inconvenience, if any. (The Times of India,  December 7, 1985)

The above example is not only the example of the department of telegram. In fact, in the present world, it is true of most of the people. “I made a mistake” is only a sentence of four words but it is difficult in the present world to find even four people who may utter this line. The only words that exist in the dictionary of the people are “You are at fault”. Their dictionary is empty with the words “I am at fault”. People do not accept their own fault at any cost, even at the cost of truth. Therefore in trying not to acknowledge their single mistake they continue to commit lots of mistakes.

The beginning of developing a positive personality is acknowledging one’s mistakes.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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