A Realistic Approach

The process of gardening does not start with a conference on gardening. It starts rather in the way that every plant should be provided with such circumstances and conditions in which it can use its own ability to grow itself, thus becoming a part of the whole garden by developing itself into a tree.

The same process has to be followed to make a nation or community flourish. The betterment of the nation presupposes the betterment of the individuals of which it is made up. That is, every individual has to be made aware of his duties and the latent natural abilities of every individual must be encouraged to fructify so that he may reach the position of a fully developed human being in the real sense. The urge must be fostered in every individual to struggle for the development of his potential without his being a problem for others. It is such activities which build the nation or community.

This is a world of competition. It never happens that opportunities present themselves without there being hurdles to overcome and that there are no opponents in the field. This has never happened in this world for anyone, nor will it happen for anyone now or in the future. Life, in fact is all about surmounting hurdles and barricades, finding ways to proceed and not futilely knocking on doors.

History demonstrates that however excessive the hurdles and problems may seem, there is always a way for a person to reach his destination. But this is not for those who stick to the well-trodden path, but for those who search for a new path in another direction and press onwards.

History also shows that no matter how great the disadvantages are, there is always a way for them to be compensated for. In this world, no calamity is final. There is always the opportunity for a human being to start his work afresh with better planning and achieve his goals in a new way.

You too can achieve what others have if only you recognize the fact that those goals which can be achieved by accepting reality, cannot be achieved by mere wishful thinking.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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