Remove Suspicion

Once, many years ago, when I was buying ticket at Azamgarh railway station, a villager came to buy his ticket just as the train was about to depart. He put his fist inside the ticket window, opened it and dropped a number of small coins on the counter. The clerk was annoyed and said: “Give me currency in notes, I don’t have time to count all this change.” I felt sympathetic towards the poor villager. I immediately took out a note and offered to exchange his coins with my note. But the villager did not accept my offer. He looked at me suspiciously, and then silently moved off in another direction. By moving fast, I managed to board the train. However, my eyes followed the villager out of curiosity. Most probably he was not able to buy the ticket on time and so could not board the train.

Why did the villager not accept my offer? The reason perhaps was “suspicion.” He thought I was trying to benefit from his weakness and wanted to change a defective note for his coins.

This suspicion was so deeply rooted in him that he could not make up his mind to change his coins for my note, even at the cost of missing the train.

This is the general situation of our society now. Everybody looks at others with suspicion. Everyone suspects the other person to be dishonest. This is the reason for the atmosphere of dishonesty in society. Everyone has deprived himself of many possible gains. Usually to work together, it is necessary to seek the support of other people, but the prevalence of suspicion has ended the possibility of receiving such support.

Suspicion gives birth to suspicion, while trust is born out of trust.

If you look upon someone with suspicion, in response, he too will have his suspicions about you and the distance between you two will keep on increasing. On the contrary, if you develop a relationship of trust with him, he too will repose his trust in you and both will start coming close to one another.

The soul inside each person is one and the same. But generally people develop the misunderstanding that they are different from others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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