The Strength of Character

Power is generally associated either with wealth, or muscularity, or both. But the greatest aspect of power has nothing to do with material things or physical prowess. Its real secret lies in strength of character—something which can be possessed by the poorest and the weakest amongst us.

Maulana Mohammad Qasim Qasmi, a 30-year old teacher at the Hussain Baksh School in Delhi and also the Imam of a mosque, recently decided to open a watch repair shop for which he needed a full-time skilled worker. No one seemed to be immediately available, but one day a middle-aged man, one Mohammad Deen Kashmiri, who turned out to be a watch repairman came to his mosque. It appeared that he had actually come to Delhi to look for work and expressed great confidence in his own skill. Maulana Qasim, however, asked him if there was anyone in Delhi who would stand guarantee for him. Mohammad Deen then said, “My guarantor is none other than God. If you can put your trust in His guarantee, then I shall present Him as my guarantor.”

Maulana Qasim was so impressed by Mohammad Deen Kashmiri’s way of expressing himself that he hired him to work at his shop. Several months have passed since then, and now both employer and employee are satisfied with the successful running of the shop by the grace of God. But if Mohammad Deen Kashmiri had not been able to impress Maulana Qasim with his strength of character, the enterprise would have come to nothing. It was the aura of trustworthiness and determination produced by this innate quality in this humble man which carried the day.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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