An Easy Solution

Once a hakim (Unani physician) was visited by a person carrying a box, out of which he took a piece of jewelry, saying that it was pure gold. “Its price is not less than rupees twenty thousand. I want to leave it with you against a loan of 10,000 rupees. I will return this amount in one month and will then take this jewelry back from you.” The hakim said: “No, I don’t do this kind of work.” But the man expressed his helplessness in such a manner that the hakim felt sympathetic towards him and lent him ten thousand rupees against the jewelry. After that he kept the jewelry safely in an almirah.

Months passed by but the man did not return. The hakim now became suspicious. At last one day he showed the jewelry to a goldsmith. Right away he told the hakim that it was brass and not gold. After the loss of money, the hakim did not want to lose himself. So he stopped thinking about this incident. He only changed the place where he kept the jewelry which had earlier been kept safely in a steel cupboard. Now he kept it in an open cupboard. He separated the jewelry from the gold ornaments and kept it in a boxful of brassware.

Anger generally arises due to the non-fulfilment of the expectations that we have of another person. One we regarded as an honest person turns out, after a bad experience, to be dishonest. One we considered to be an obedient person turns out not to be so.

The best way to deal with such a situation is for the person concerned to change his position, just as the hakim did in the case of the fake jewelry. The jewelry which he had originally thought to be gold and kept safely, was later removed from that safe place and kept in a boxful of brassware.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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