The Top Position is Vacant

In the course of conversation, a group of Muslim youths were complaining about the system—problems in admissions, unemployment, etc. An experienced senior person was also sitting amongst them, silently listening to everything. At last he spoke out: “Your complaints are totally meaningless. You are searching for a position where all the vacancies have already been filled. And you do not try to seek out the places where there are still vacancies. You should strive for excellence. Then there will be no further question of disappointment for you. This is because while general low-rung positions may not be vacant, the top position in every field is very often vacant.”

Personal excellence is the secret of success. Whether you are a student or a merchant, a lawyer or a doctor, whichever field you belong to, try to attain excellence and you will surely achieve success. Even if all you know is how to make an excellent rat trap, people will themselves start knocking at your door. The fault of people in general is that they produce the same old kind of trap which is already available in the market and then they complain that their product is not selling. If you work hard and produce a distinctive trap, surely people will rush to buy it.

Ordinary posts are occupied while top posts lie vacant. Then why should you not try to reach out for this superior position which is still waiting for you? If you work harder than others, if you develop a high standard rather than an ordinary standard and enter the field of life with improved abilities, it will be impossible for you to be sacked or remain unemployed. There is a position for you everywhere, because it is vacant and waiting for someone to come and fill it.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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